Lifetime Achievement AwardsThe Lifetime Achievement Award is the highest and most prestigious award given to a member of the organization recognized by the broader critical care community as a significant leader in the critical care anesthesiology profession. Selection for this honor recognizes an individual’s outstanding and sustained contributions to the critical care profession and SOCCA, as well as exemplary professional practice and leadership. The nominee must have served SOCCA and the profession of critical care anesthesiology in a significant leadership capacity, demonstrating the qualities of leadership and service to the critical care anesthesiology profession by his/her professional and personal example. Eligibility Criteria
NominationsClick here to nominate a colleague by submitting a letter of recommendation. Past RecipientsDaniel R. Brown, MD, PhD2023 Jeanine Wiener-Kronish, MD2020 Aryeh Shander, MD2019 Jeffery Vender, MD2018 Todd Dorman, MD, FCCM2017 Ronald G. Pearl, MD, PhD2016 Philip G. Boysen, MD2015 Clifford S. Deutschman, MS, MD, MCCM2014 Charles G. Durbin, Jr., MD2013 Philip D. Lumb, MB, BS, MCCM2012 Stanley H. Rosenbaum, MD2011 M. Christine Stock, M.D., FCCP, FCCM2010 Robert N. Sladen, MB, ChB2009 Neil H. Cohen, MD, MPH MS2008 Douglas B. Coursin, MD2006 Michael J. Murray, MD, PhD2004 Sten G. Lindahl, MD, PhD2003 Carl C. Hug, MD2002 Luciano Gattinoni, MD2001 David J. Cullen, MD2000 Richard Teplick, MD1999 D. David Glass, MD1998 Donald S. Prough, MD1997 Myer H. Rosenthal, MD1996 Barry A. Shapiro, MD1995 John B. Downs, MD1994 Robert R. Kirby, MD1993 Henrik H. Bendixen, MD1992 H. Barrie Fairley, MD, PhD1991 Jerome H. Modell, MD1990 James F. Arens, MD1989 |