Nominating CommitteeThe Nominating Committee provides recommendations to the Board of Directors for potential Directors and officers of the Corporation. The immediate Past President shall serve as the Chair of the Nominating Committee. Other members of the Nominating Committee do not have to be current or former directors, officers, or committee members. Miguel A. Cobas, MD, FCCMChair, Committee on Nominations & Immediate Past President Michael H. Wall, MD, FCCMPresident Mark E. Nunnally, MD, FCCMPresident-Elect Linda Liu, MDTreasurer Brigid C. FlynnSOCCA Secretary Vinod Singh, FRCA, MDCommunication Committee Karsten Bartels, MBA, MD, PhDEducation Committee Christopher Choi, MDMembership Committee Anne Donovan, MDProgram Directors Advisory Council Jarva Chow, MD, MS, MPHResearch Committee |