SOCCA Speakers Bureau Directory
The SOCCA Speakers Bureau is a new resource for SOCCA members seeking to identify and connect to other members with specific expertise for the purpose of invited talks or research collaborations. The Speakers Bureau will provide a platform for SOCCA members to showcase their talents and demonstrate their expertise in critical care.
Anna Budde, MD
Assistant Professor University of Minnesota Medical Center [email protected]
Gender: Female Race and Ethnicity: White or Caucasian
Primary Topic Area: Airway Secondary Topic Area: Critical Care
Title(s) of Proposed Presentation(s):
- Emergency Out of OR Airway Management
- Airway Management Strategies in a Patient with Physiologically Difficult Airway
Research Domain(s): Clinical, Quality Improvement / Patient Safety Research Interests: ICU airway management, physiologically difficult airway, difficult airway management
Andrew Patterson, MD, PhD
Chair, Department of Anesthesiology Emory University [email protected]
Gender: Male Race and Ethnicity: White or Caucasian
Primary Topic Area: Cardiovascular Secondary Topic Area: TBD
Title(s) of Proposed Presentation(s):
- Hemodynamic Pharmacology – Things that Make the Blood Pressure Go Up
- Hemodynamic Pharmacology – Things that Make the Blood Pressure Go Down
- Hemodynamic Monitoring
Research Domain(s): Clinical, Translational Research Interests: Hemodynamic Pharmacology, Hemodynamic Monitoring, Fluid Resuscitation, Preparing Trainees and Junior Faculty for Oral Board Examinations
Critical Care
Megan Anders MD, MS
Associate Professor University of Maryland School of Medicine [email protected]
Gender: Female Race and Ethnicity: White or Caucasian
Primary Topic Area: Critical Care Secondary Topic Area: Quality/Patient Safety
Title of Proposed Presentation(s):
- Spinal Ischemia After Aortic Surgery
Faculty Website Profile Link Twitter Handle: @drmegs
Research Domain(s): Clinical, Quality Improvement / Patient Safety Research Interests: Perioperative clinical outcomes, patient safety, quality improvement.
Vaibhav Bora, MBBS, FASE, FASA, FCCP
Associate Professor Augusta University – Medical College of Georgia. [email protected]
Gender: Male Race and Ethnicity: Asian
Primary Topic Area: Critical Care Secondary Topic Area: Cardiovascular
Research Domain(s): Clinical Research Interests: Critical Care, shock states, echocardiography, TEE, POCUS, resuscitation, Cardiothoracic Critical Care, Mechanical circulatory support
Varun Goyal, MD
Associate Professor University of Texas Health San Antonio [email protected]
Gender: Male Race and Ethnicity: Asian
Primary Topic Area: Critical Care Secondary Topic Area: Transplant
Title of Proposed Presentation:
- Management of the Brain Dead Organ Donor
Faculty Website Profile Link
Research Domain(s): Clinical Research Interests: Brain dead organ donation, Liver transplant anesthesia

Antonio Hernandez
Professor Vanderbilt University Medical Center [email protected]
Gender: Male Race and Ethnicity: Hispanic or Latino
Primary Topic Area: Critical Care Secondary Topic Area: Extracorporeal Support
Title(s) of Proposed Presentation(s):
- Temporary Support: Percutaneous Devices as a Bridge to Decision or Recovery
- Future Direction: Prospects of Trained Immunity in Perioperative Medicine
Faculty Website Profile Link NCBI Bibliography Link Twitter Handle: @ahernand73
Research Domain(s): Clinical, Translational, Quality Improvement / Patient Safety Research Interests: Dr. Antonio Hernandez develops new therapies to enhance innate immunity antimicrobial function and protect against inflammation-induced organ injury. His research includes the study of trained immunity to alter the inflammatory response to infection or injury and has focused on synthetic de novo vaccine adjuvants which are candidates for pharmaceutical development for human use. He employs clinically relevant models of acute sepsis, sepsis-induced immunosuppression, and ischemia-reperfusion injury where he has trained the innate immune system to enhance antimicrobial function and reduce organ injury. His clinical interests focus on improving outcomes in cardiac surgery patients. His focus has been on standardizing perioperative transfusion therapy to reduce total blood utilization.

Craig Jabaley, MD
Associate Professor Emory University [email protected]
Gender: Male Race and Ethnicity: White or Caucasian
Primary Topic Area: Critical Care Secondary Topic Area: Quality/Patient Safety
Title(s) of Proposed Presentation(s):
- New and Reversed Practices in Critical Care: a Decade in Review
- Perioperative Cardiac Arrest: Optimizing Outcomes
- Practical Applications of Behavioral Economics to Overcome Implementation Barriers
Faculty Website Profile Link NCBI Bibliography Link Twitter Handle: @CraigJabaley
Research Domain(s): Clinical, Quality Improvement / Patient Safety Research Interests: Craig S. Jabaley, MD, FCCM is an Associate Professor of Anesthesiology at the Emory University School of Medicine and Associate Director of the Emory Critical Care Center. He serves as the Critical Care Medicine Division Chief within the Department of Anesthesiology. His primary clinical focus is adult critical care medicine with additional time devoted to adult multispecialty anesthesiology. As Medical Director of the Cardiothoracic Intensive Care Unit at Emory University Hospital, a regional referral center for severe respiratory failure, ECMO, and mechanical circulatory support, he oversees a multidisciplinary team of critical care professionals. His research interests include mixed methods approaches to understanding the dissemination and uptake of healthcare information, implementation science, critical care health services research, and exploratory biomedical applications of time series analysis. He lectures nationally on the application of critical care fundamentals to routine perioperative practice. Dr. Jabaley serves in various capacities within the ABA, ASA, SCCM, and SOCCA and is an active reviewer and editorial board member for critical care and anesthesiology journals.
Kunal Karamchandani, MD, FCCP, FCCM
Associate Professor University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center [email protected]
Gender: Male Race and Ethnicity: Asian
Primary Topic Area: Critical Care Secondary Topic Area: TBD
Twitter Handle: @KunalKaramchan2
Research Domain(s): Clinical Research Interests:
- Physiologically Difficult Airway
- Atrial fibrillation
- New persistent opioid use amongst ICU survivors
- Perioperative handoffs
- Substance Use Disorder and the ICU
- Perioperative outcomes
- Perioperative care of liver transplant

Michael Kiyatkin MD, MS
Assistant Professor Montefiore Medical Center [email protected]
Gender: Male Race and Ethnicity: White or Caucasian
Primary Topic Area: Critical Care Secondary Topic Area: Pulmonary/Ventilation
Title of Proposed Presentation:
- Universal, automated, and graded risk prediction as a foundation for computerized clinical decision support for prevention of postoperative respiratory failure
Research Domain(s): Clinical Research Interests: I am a clinical anesthesia-intensivist and clinical researcher with an interest in prediction and prevention of postoperative respiratory failure. I have previously built prediction models and examined associations between risk factors and respiratory outcomes. Most recently, I have been working on designing and testing implementation of computerized clinical decision support with associated best practice advisories for prevention of respiratory failure. I am currently working towards a mentored training grant. A closely related research interest is automated prediction of clinical deterioration in postoperative wards as well as exploration of the utility of the PACU as a triaging and extended observation site for high-risk patients.
Marcos Lopez, MD, MS
Assistant Professor Vanderbilt University Medical Center [email protected]
Gender: Male Race and Ethnicity: Hispanic or Latino
Primary Topic Area: Critical Care Secondary Topic Area: TBD
Title(s) of Proposed Presentation(s):
- Vascular mechanisms of perioperative organ injury
Faculty Website Profile Link NCBI Bibliography Link Twitter Handle: @MarcLopezMD
Research Domain(s): Clinical and Translational Research Interests: Dr. Lopez’s research focuses on vascular mechanisms underlying renal and brain dysfunction and injury.
Monica Lupei
Associate Professor University of Minnesota [email protected]
Gender: Female Race and Ethnicity: White or Caucasian
Primary Topic Area: Critical Care Secondary Topic Area: Obstetrics
Title(s) of Proposed Presentation(s):
- Implicit bias in the OR to ICU patients’ handovers
- Challenges Faced by Women Physicians in Academic Medicine
- Ethical Dilemmas in Obstetrical Anesthesiology
Faculty Website Profile Link NCBI Bibliography Link Twitter Handle: @LupeiMonica
Research Domain(s): Clinical, Quality Improvement / Patient Safety Research Interests: ICU outcomes research, quality improvement, the operating room to critical care transfer research.
Aaron Mittel, MD
Assistant Professor Columbia University Irving Medical Center, New York, NY [email protected]
Gender: Male Race and Ethnicity: White or Caucasian
Primary Topic Area: Critical Care Secondary Topic Area: Cardiovascular
NCBI Bibliography Link
Research Domain(s): Clinical Research Interests: Perioperative clinical outcomes, postoperative lung injury, shock, resuscitation, ECMO, precision medicine
Shahla Siddiqui, MD MSc FCCM
Assistant Professor Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center Harvard Medical School [email protected]
Gender: Female Race and Ethnicity: Asian
Primary Topic Area: Critical Care Secondary Topic Area: ICU ethics
Title(s) of Proposed Presentation(s):
- Compassion in Medicine and Critical care
- Role of women in Critical care – where we started where we are now
- Professional fulfillment and burnout in intensivists
Twitter Handle: @shahlasi
Research Domain(s): Clinical, Translational, Education Research Research Interests: Burnout, Humanities in ICU, ICU outcomes, DEI, Patient centered care, Medical Ethics
Madiha Syed
Assistant Professor Cleveland Clinic [email protected]
Gender: Female Race and Ethnicity: Asian
Primary Topic Area: Critical Care Secondary Topic Area: TBD
Title(s) of Proposed Presentation(s):
- Peripheral vasopressor use – who, when and how ?
- Perioperative management of antiplatelet and anticoagulation agents
Faculty Website Profile Link Twitter Handle: @madihasyed85
Research Domain(s): Clinical, Education Research Research Interests:
- Peripheral vasopressor use
- Acute Kidney Injury
- Use of simulation in medical education

Robert Thiele, M.D.
Associate Professor University of Virginia [email protected]
Gender: Male Race and Ethnicity: White or Caucasian
Primary Topic Area: Critical Care Secondary Topic Area: TBD
Title(s) of Proposed Presentation(s):
- Subcellular Energetics: Potential Monitoring and Treatment Strategies
- Cardiac Output Monitoring: What the Flotrac and the M-16 Have In Common
- Fooled By Randomness: The Nihilist Approach to Critical Care
Faculty Website Profile Link NCBI Bibliography Link
Research Domain(s): Translational Research Interests: My first area of research is in biomedical devices that anesthesiologists and intensivists are dependent on – advanced hemodynamic monitoring devices as well as near infrared spectroscopy equipment designed to measure the oxidation state of cytochrome aa3 in the brain, non-invasively, in real-time. That work is funded by the NIH (R-21 from NIBIB).
My second area of research is in sub cellular energetics – why do cells die when exposed to hypoxia/stress and what role do HIF-1 and other adaptive mechanisms play? It turns out that it’s likely NOT due to lack of oxygen, but more likely due to oxidative stress. This is basic science work my lab does.
My third area of interest revolves around exercise preconditioning – this work is an extension of ERAS work I did from 2013-2018. Now my group is learning to “train” people for surgery. We have published several papers on Perioperative activity (Fitbit) and outcomes, have an active grant funded by Apple, and are also doing animal research (rat treadmill training) to better understand how we can prepare patients for surgery.
Lastly, I am interested in “the science of science” – how to we evaluate the literature? How can we be confident in results when we don’t understand the statistical techniques used by so many authors? How do we handle predatory journals? I have a really nice slide deck going over the challenges of making sense of the literature – these thoughts were also captured in the article entitled “Apophenia and anesthesia: how we sometimes change our practice prematurely” published in Can J Anaesth. 2021 Aug;68(8):1185-1196.
Chiedozie Udeh, MD, MHEcon, MBA
Medical Director, ICU Operations Cleveland Clinic [email protected]
Gender: Male Race and Ethnicity: Black or African American
Primary Topic Area: Critical Care Secondary Topic Area: Quality/Patient Safety
Title(s) of Proposed Presentation(s):
- ICU Telemedicine – Where are we and where are we going?
- Pearls and Tips from Years of Quality Improvement
- Achieving Systemness in Health System Integration
Research Domain(s): Clinical Research Interests: Tele-critical care (Operations and Outcomes), Cost-effectiveness of interventions, Quality and Patient Safety, Inter-professional education and Teamwork, Systemness
Emily Vail, MD MSc.
Assistant Professor University of Pennsylvania [email protected]
Gender: Female Race and Ethnicity: White or Caucasian
Primary Topic Area: Critical Care Secondary Topic Area: TBD
Titles of Proposed Presentations:
- Clinical management of deceased organ donors: Current evidence and opportunities for improvement
- Developing scientific evidence to support clinical practice: The role of observational research
Faculty Website Profile Link NCBI Bibliography Link
Research Domain(s): Clinical Research Interests: Health services: critical care delivery, liver transplantation, clinical organ donor management, vasopressors Observational research methods
Matthew Warner, MD
Associate Professor Mayo Clinic (Minnesota) [email protected]
Gender: Male Race and Ethnicity: White or Caucasian
Primary Topic Area: Critical Care Secondary Topic Area: TBD
Title(s) of Proposed Presentation(s):
- Anemia in critical illness and surgery: ubiquitous but benign?
- Patient Blood Management (PBM): A roadmap for optimizing critical resources, reducing hospital costs, and improving patient improves
- Don’t forget to fill the tank: How to establish a robust and sustainable perioperative anemia clinic
Faculty Website Profile Link NCBI Bibliography Link Twitter Handle: @WarnerMatthewA
Research Domain(s): Clinical, Quality Improvement / Patient Safety Research Interests:
- Anemia management in surgical and critically ill patients
- Patient blood management and transfusion practice optimization, including re-evaluation of massive transfusion practices
- Novel therapeutics in transfusion medicine including factor and fibrinogen concentrates and cold-stored platelets
George Williams
Associate Professor University of Texas McGovern Medical School at Houston [email protected]
Gender: Male Race and Ethnicity: Black or African American
Primary Topic Area: Critical Care Secondary Topic Area: TBD
Title(s) of Proposed Presentation(s):
- Advances in Perioperative Nutrition (NPO Status is Outdated)
- Management of ARDS: Past, Present and Future
Faculty Website Profile Link NCBI Bibliography Link Twitter Handle: @dr_g_williams
Research Domain(s): Clinical, Quality Improvement / Patient Safety Research Interests: Perioperative Nutrition, ARDS
Erica Wittwer, MD, PhD
Associate Professor Mayo Clinic [email protected]
Gender: Female Race and Ethnicity: White or Caucasian
Primary Topic Area: Critical Care Secondary Topic Area: TBD
Title(s) of Proposed Presentation(s):
- Stellate ganglion blockade for treatment of refractory ventricular arrhythmias
- Vasoplegia: Novel and traditional therapies (What you should know about Angiotensin II, hydroxocobalamin, and methylene blue)
- Multimodal analgesia for cardiac surgery, reasons to consider methadone
Research Domain(s): Clinical, Quality Improvement / Patient Safety Research Interests:
- Stellate ganglion blockade for treatment of ventricular arrhythmias
- Treatment of post-cardiotomy vasoplegia. Novel and traditional therapies.
- Multimodal analgesia following cardiac surgery, the benefits of methadone
- AKI after cardiac surgery
Ahmed Zaky, MD, MSc, MPH, MBA, MSHQS,CMQ
Professor University of Alabama At Birmingham [email protected]
Gender: Male Race and Ethnicity: Not Hispanic or Latino
Primary Topic Area: Critical Care Secondary Topic Area: Quality/Patient Safety
Title(s) of Proposed Presentation(s):
- Challenging the KDIGO Paradigm. A Creatively Destructive Approach
- Pulmonary hypertension in Pre-eclamaptic women
- Stress Hyperglycemia in the Cardiac Surgical Patient
NCBI Bibliography Link
Research Domain(s): Clinical, Quality Improvement / Patient Safety Research Interests:
- Acute kidney injury
- Pulmonary hypertension
- Cardiac mechanics
- Cardiac implantable devices
- Curriculum development
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Extracorporeal Support
Jacob Gutsche, MD
Associate Professor University of Pennsylvania [email protected]
Gender: Male Race and Ethnicity: White or Caucasian
Primary Topic Area: Extracorporeal Support Secondary Topic Area: TBD
Title(s) of Proposed Presentation(s):
- Mobile ECMO
Twitter Handle: @GutscheJacob
Research Domain(s): Clinical Research Interests: ECMO and patient selection
Jai Madhok
Assistant Professor Stanford University School of Medicine [email protected]
Gender: Male Race and Ethnicity: Asian
Primary Topic Area: Extracorporeal Support Secondary Topic Area: TBD
Title(s) of Proposed Presentation(s):
- Management of Anticoagulation in Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation
- VA-ECMO: To vent or not to vent?
- Vitamin B12 vs. Methylene Blue for refractory vasoplegia after cardiac surgery
Faculty Website Profile Link Twitter Handle: @JaiMadhok1
Research Domain(s): Clinical Research Interests:
- Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation
- Mechanical Circulatory Support
- Anticoagulation management in ECMO and MCS
- Critical Care Ultrasonography / Echocardiography
- Perioperative use of SGLT-2 inhibitors
- Perioperative Acute Kidney Injury
Cortessa Russell, MD
Assistant Professor Columbia University Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons [email protected]
Gender: Female Race and Ethnicity: Asian
Primary Topic Area: Extracorporeal Support Secondary Topic Area: Critical Care
Title(s) of Proposed Presentation(s):
- Moving from Burnout to Engagement
- ECMO 101
Research Domain(s): Clinical, Quality Improvement / Patient Safety Research Interests: Physician wellness, Burnout, Employee Engagement
Audrey Spelde, MD
Instructor University of Pennsylvania [email protected]
Gender: Female Race and Ethnicity: White or Caucasian
Primary Topic Area: Extracorporeal Support Secondary Topic Area: TBD
Title(s) of Proposed Presentation(s):
- Use of right ventricular support in ARDS
- ECMO lessons learned from the COVID pandemic
- Supporting the microcirculation in mechanical circulatory support
Research Domain(s): Clinical, translational Research Interests: Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO), extracorporeal life support (ECLS), mechanical circulatory support, microcirculation, temporary right ventricular assist devices
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No speakers have listed this as their topic area.
Aaron LacKamp, MD
Associate Professor University of Kansas [email protected]
Gender: Male Race and Ethnicity: White or Caucasian
Primary Topic Area: Neuroscience Secondary Topic Area: TBD
Title of Proposed Presentation:
- Advances in intracranial pressure management
Twitter Handle: @A_LacKamp
Research Domain(s): Clinical Research Interests: Intracranial pressure, hypertonic saline, intracranial hemorrhage, subarachnoid hemorrhage
Aleksandra Yakhkind, MD, MS
Assistant Professor Tufts Medical Center [email protected]
Gender: Female Race and Ethnicity: White or Caucasian
Primary Topic Area: Neuroscience Secondary Topic Area: Critical Care
Title(s) of Proposed Presentation(s):
- ICU Burnout: A Background, Present State and Steps Forward
- Management of Stroke in the ICU
- Stroke and Pregnancy
Faculty Website Profile Link NCBI Bibliography Link Twitter Handle: @sashkind
Research Domain(s): Clinical, Education Research Research Interests: I am a neurocritical care physician and can speak to ICU management of neurologic conditions to non-neurologists. My specific interests are in ICU burnout and healing the healer. My goal is for the critical care experience to not be traumatic for the trainees and staff. My specific interests are embodied communication, writing and creative expression and mentorship. I also have an interest in global health.
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No speakers have listed this as their topic area.
No speakers have listed this as their topic area.
No speakers have listed this as their topic area.
Ben Daxon, MD
Assistant Professor Mayo Clinic, Rochester [email protected]
Gender: Male Race and Ethnicity: White or Caucasian
Primary Topic Area: Pulmonary Medicine/Ventilation Secondary Topic Area: TBD
Title of Proposed Presentation:
Faculty Website Profile Link NCBI Bibliography Link Twitter Handle: @DoctorDaxon
Research Domain: Clinical Research Interests:
- Mechanical Ventilation
- Airway Pressure Release Ventilation (APRV)
- Cardiopulmonary physiology
Quality/Patient Safety
Nitin Mehdiratta, MD
Assistant Professor Duke University Medical Center [email protected]
Gender: Male Race and Ethnicity: Asian, White or Caucasian
Primary Topic Area: Quality/Patient Safety Secondary Topic Area: Critical Care
Title of Proposed Presentation:
- The wonderful world of critical care billing
Research Domain(s): Quality Improvement / Patient Safety Research Interests: Critical Care Billing, Coding Documentation and Integrity, Hospital acquired infection quality improvement
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No speakers have listed this as their topic area.
Talia Ben-Jacob, MD, MSc
Associate Professor Cooper University Hospital, Cooper Medical School of Rowan University [email protected]
Gender: Female Race and Ethnicity: Choose not to say
Primary Topic Area: Shock/Resuscitation Secondary Topic Area: TBD
Titles of Proposed Presentations:
- PeRLS: Perioperative Resuscitation and Life Support
- Mentorship
- Perioperative Management of the Septic Patient
Faculty Website Profile Link NCBI Bibliography Link Twitter Handle: @tbenjaco
Research Domain(s): Clinical Research Interests: PeRLS: Perioperative Resuscitation and Life Support, Women in critical care medicine and anesthesia, Mentorship and Sponsorship, Sepsis, Hemodynamic Monitoring

Athanasios Chalkias, MD, MSc, PhD, FESC, FAcadTM, FCP, FESAIC
Assistant Professor Department of Anesthesiology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Thessaly [email protected]
Gender: Male Race and Ethnicity: White or Caucasian
Primary Topic Area: Shock/Resuscitation Secondary Topic Area: Cardiovascular
Faculty Website Profile Link NCBI Bibliography Link Twitter Handle: @ChalkAth
Research Domain(s): Clinical, Translational Research Interests: Athanasios Chalkias is an Asst. Professor of Anesthesiology at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Thessaly, Greece. As a physician-scientist, his clinical activity and research are dedicated to Anesthesiology, Intensive Care Medicine, Cardiovascular Dynamics, Translational Physiology, Resuscitation, and Translational Intensive Care Medicine and Anesthesiology.
His main areas of interest include optimization of cardiovascular dynamics in high-risk surgical patients and critically ill patients; venous return; heart-lung interactions; hemodynamic coherence and microcirculation; adequacy of organ perfusion; oxygen transport to tissue; shock; advanced hemodynamic support; assessment of responsiveness to fluids, vasoactive drugs/inotropes/vasodilators, and blood/blood components; and individualized, physiology-guided management.
Prior to his current position he had worked at the Post-graduate Study Program (MSc) “Resuscitation” of the Medical School of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens on resuscitation research (physiology, pathophysiology, pharmacology, experimental surgery, animal disease models) and teaching. He has an MSc degree in Resuscitation and a PhD degree in Perioperative Medicine/Pathophysiology.
Prof. Chalkias is the Co-Chair of the Scientific Writing & Task Forces Subcommittee and a member of the Committee on Research of the Society of Critical Care Anesthesiologists (SOCCA), a member of the Guidelines Committee and the CREM – Trauma and Resuscitation Subcommittee of the European Society of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care (ESAIC), an active member of the Outcomes Research Consortium, a member of the Council on Basic Cardiovascular Science of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC), and the Treasurer and Chair of the Committee on Shock of the Hellenic Society of Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (HSCPR). He is a full member, member of scientific advisory boards, and member of working groups of several international societies, on the editorial boards of several journals, and has authored or co-authored more than 150 scientific peer reviewed articles, editorials, and book chapters.
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No speakers have listed this as their topic area.
Allison Dalton, MD
Associate Professor University of Chicago [email protected]
Gender: Female Race and Ethnicity: White or Caucasian
Primary Topic Area: Wellness Secondary Topic Area: TBD
Research Domain(s): Clinical, Education Research Research Interests:
- Wellness topics
- Secondary trauma
- Peer support programs
Babar Fiza, MD
Assistant Professor Emory School of Medicine [email protected]
Gender: Male Race and Ethnicity: Asian
Primary Topic Area: Perioperative Ultrasound Secondary Topic Area: Critical Care
Title(s) of Proposed Presentation(s):
- Perioperative lung ultrasound: reducing complications and improving outcomes
- Perioperative Point of Care Ultrasound: A Moving Picture is Worth a Thousand Tests
Twitter Handle: @fiza_babar
Research Domain(s): Clinical, Education Research Research Interests: Research has focused on the impact of point-of-care ultrasound (POCUS) on patient management and clinical workflows. My work in this arena has included examining the feasibility of anesthesiologist performed cardiac ultrasonography. Most recently, I led a study that examined the role of point-of-care vascular ultrasound in COVID-19 patients.
Frank O’Connell, MD, FACP, FCCP, FCCM
Staff Anesthesiologist Atlanticare Regional Medical Center 65 W Jimmie Leeds Road Pomona NJ 08240 [email protected]
Gender: Male Race and Ethnicity: White or Caucasian
Topic Areas: Airway Management, Obstetrics, Trauma
Research Domain(s): Quality Improvement / Patient Safety Research Interests: Address topics relevant to those practicing anesthesiology and critical care in a non academic, critical care environment, currently involved in educational initiatives related to Fundamentals of Critical Care Support including FCCS Obstetrics and FCCS Surgery