SOCCA Innovators Awardby Mark E. Nunnally, MD, FCCM
Volume 33 | Issue 3 NewsletterSOCCA is pleased to announce the debut of the Innovators Award. Created through a generous anonymous donation, we plan to award one deserving recipient $10,000 for a true innovation, that is, something that introduces a new device or technique, changes clinical practice or could improve clinical outcomes. The innovation should be expected to have an immediate effect on health care delivery. This award is an extension of the Society’s growing interests in research, education and engagement. We encourage interested members to apply. The award will be given to a medical student, fellow or clinical faculty member at an accredited North American training program, who is also a member of SOCCA. A full description of the award is available here. Required elements for application include problem background; expected final product, budget, and impacts; and relevance to the field of critical care anesthesiology. Applications will be judged by an awards committee, and finalists (up to three) will be asked to present their proposals at a SOCCA meeting. Travel grants will be provided. Applications open September 30, 2022 and close November 30, 2022. We expect to announce the winner at the 2023 SOCCA Annual Meeting in Denver, Colorado. Author |