Colleagues, Seeing so many SOCCA members in person at the SCCM meeting in San Francisco last month was great. SOCCA members were well-represented on many SCCM panels, workshops, roundtables, and other educational events. The SCCM anesthesia section reception was exceptionally well attended and could have easily been a SOCCA business meeting! We look forward to seeing everyone in person at the annual meeting in Denver in April. We have a fantastic annual meeting program starting with SOCCA women in a critical care meet-up and an early career group networking event. The annual meeting program on Friday, April 14, is packed with fantastic educational sessions, oral and abstract poster sessions from 0700 in the morning until 1930 at night. Wow! We close out this busy day with a reception from 1930 to 2130. Saturday, April 15, is the IARS, AUA, and SOCCA-aligned meeting day, with several excellent presentations of interest to our SOCCA members throughout the day. It will be an extraordinary meeting. SOCCA continues to grow and offers opportunities for all our members to become more engaged by joining and participating in our new workgroups and taskforces. These workgroups and taskforces are entirely open for any volunteer to participate. The membership committee has added several new workgroups, including early career, medical student residents and fellows, physicians and practice, women in critical care, and diversity equity and inclusion. If you're interested in participating in any of these, please get in touch with the chair of the membership committee, Alisha Bhatia or vice chair Jing Tao. We have also formed a new clinical practice committee chaired by George Williams and vice chaired by Gozde Demiralp. There are several new workgroups on this committee as well. These are just getting started and all are looking for volunteers to join them. These workgroups include critical transplant care, mechanical circulatory support/ECMO/CT ICU, Neurocritical care, and Service Chiefs Advisory Council. The newest one formed during the SCCM meeting last month is the OB and critical-care workgroup. If you are interested in participating in any of these new groups, please get in touch with George or Gozde. I look forward to seeing you in person in Denver soon. Author |