Research Committee Updateby Shahzad Shaefi, MD, MPH
Volume 34 | Issue 2 Newsletter As Chair of the Research Committee, I am thrilled and privileged to share with you the notable progress we've made in recent months. With the support and guidance of the Board we have grown our membership, been focused on deliverable products for our membership, and continued to increase the visibility and contribution of the committee to SOCCA and the wider community. It's a privilege to work alongside our dedicated Vice Chair, Emily Vail, our greatly valued subcommittee Chairs and Vice Chairs, Board of Directors members, and committee members whose continuous efforts inspire robust, thriving research committee endeavors serving the needs of the membership. I would also like to highlight the contributions and impact of our Immediate Past Chair, Matt Warner, who really galvanized the committee’s efforts. Firstly, I’d like to take the opportunity to welcome several new members to the committee. The growth of our committee serves as a testament to our progress and broadens the input driving our work. It is with great delight that I introduce our newest members Vijay Krishnamoorthy from Duke University, Michael Kiyatkin from Montefiore Medical Center, and Junaid Nizamuddin from the University of Chicago. Their combined expertise and fresh perspectives have already undoubtedly enhanced our research endeavors. The trajectory of the SOCCA Research Committee's journey over the past year has been steep. Our teams have brought to fruition several published manuscripts. The focus on intensivist burnout and clinical practice of critical care anesthesiologists is not only timely but also attuned to the current challenges in the field. By tackling these critical topics head-on, we are creating a conduit for dialogue, reflection, and problem-solving, enabling the forging of pathways to ensure the wellbeing of practitioners while optimizing patient care. The establishment of a Speaker Exchange Program is another significant milestone. This initiative has been designed to extend the reach of our members both within and outside SOCCA, showcasing their expertise and fostering opportunities for interdisciplinary engagement. By cultivating relationships and promoting the exchange of knowledge, we are not only fortifying SOCCA's standing in the academic community but also nurturing our members' professional growth and visibility. Furthermore, we are proud to have been the driving force behind an entire issue of Anesthesiology Clinics. This initiative has allowed us to share in-depth, comprehensive insights into key topics in critical care practices and research. Looking forward, we have road mapped ambitious goals for the coming months! Under the capable leadership of Josh Douin and more recently Michael Kiyatkin serving as Vice Chair, our Data Subcommittee has been industriously working on an array of research projects. These efforts are geared towards streamlining SOCCA 'homegrown' surveys, with the aim of fostering more comprehensive and efficient data dissemination and aiding our other committees to gain information for ongoing projects. This streamlining extends beyond SOCCA, encouraging collaborative surveys with sister organizations. Current work includes exciting projects on end-of-life surveys and Quality and Safety in Critical Care. We are also delving into survey work that investigates Point of Care Ultrasound (POCUS) practices and pertinent aspects of fellowship training in anesthesia critical care. Chaired by Kate Rosenblatt, the Scientific Writing Subcommittee is diligently beginning to craft a white paper and consensus guidelines. This will incorporate a keen focus on research priorities, prospective directions, and the crucial need for ICU datasets. This is a key deliverable for the committee and will be pivotal in driving SOCCA’s research agenda moving forward. Marc Lopez, our exceptional chair, is steering the Research Infrastructure and Networking Subcommittee toward thoughtful advancements. Our committee is currently conducting a comprehensive needs assessment of our membership. The primary objective is to discern the desires of our members regarding access to mentorship, research collaboration opportunities, methodology training, and the availability of specialized data. This is also a key piece of the work of the committee over the coming months and we look forward to reporting this to the membership in due course. We are also laying the groundwork for a multi-center clinical data collection initiative. This effort involves exploring Data Use Agreements and designating site champions to facilitate the building of this project. This structure may operate independently or in collaboration with other organizations. Moreover, we are enthusiastic about furthering our collaboration with the SOCCA Women in Critical Care (WICC) under the stewardship of Shahla Siddiqui. We find ourselves in a highly exciting time for the Research Committee. The energy and engagement of our members, combined with the continuous support from the Board and SOCCA leadership, creates a potent recipe for significant progress. We eagerly look forward to the advancements that lie ahead. In closing, I am deeply grateful for the opportunity to serve in my current capacity. It is the shared commitment, relentless hard work, and innovative spirit of everyone involved that moves us forward. Author |