ACGME Accredited ACCM Fellowship Programs

SOCCA has provided listings of the certified Anesthesiology Critical Care Medicine (ACCM) fellowships over the years. There are currently 63 active programs in the United States. You may view the contact information for all programs here.

In general, the most current contact information can be obtained from the ACGME. Each program has a different number of positions, interview process, etc. That said, all of the programs are a 12 month fellowship; it is presumed that prospective fellows will obtain the appropriate state licenses prior to commencing work.

ACCM Fellowship Match

The majority of the ACCM Fellowship Programs participate in a match administered through SF Match. Participating programs, instructions for enrolling in the match, and the match timeline can be found on the SF Match website.

Common Application Form

All ACCM fellowship programs participating in SF Match utilize the Central Application Service through SF Match. The application can be found on the SF Match website.

Once an applicant has completed their application and submitted the required three letters of reference, SF Match will distribute the applications to the programs on the applicant’s distribution list. Please check with individual programs to see if they require any additional supplemental material.

Information for Applicants Applying to both Critical Care Medicine and Adult Cardiothoracic Anesthesia

There are some unique considerations for applicants seeking to train in both CCM and ACTA. The CCM and ACTA fellowship program directors have worked together to develop some materials to help guide you through this process. Please review this informational document to help guide you through the application process. Please also consider submitting this supplemental questionnaire to programs as suggested.

Letter of Recommendation

In lieu of a letter of recommendation from the Chair or Program Director, we are encouraging Core Anesthesia Program Leadership to use the Letter of Evaluation developed by the Association of Anesthesiology Subspecialty Program Directors.  This form aims to provide programs with an objective measure of your performance in your residency program.  The form also includes a free-text response to provide a summary assessment and written comments in support of the application.  Please consider providing this form to your Program Director and submitting through the SF Match CAS. Click here to view the Core Program Directors Standardized Letter of Evaluation

Exceptions to the Match

Programs and applicants are eligible to make an Exception Agreement prior to submitting their rank list to SF Match.  Exception Agreements allow an applicant and program to agree to match each other prior to submitting their respective rank lists.  It is important to remember that both program and applicant must still enroll in the match and complete match rank lists by the stated deadlines.

The Exception Agreements have been agreed upon by the SOCCA Fellowship Program Directors Advisory Council. Additional details about match exceptions are listed below, and programs and candidates should also review the Critical Care Anesthesiology Fellowship Match Exceptions Policies for 2024.

There are six agreed upon instances where a program and an applicant may agree to a position without waiting for the match to happen. It is important to remember that both program and applicant must still enroll in the match!

The six agreed upon instances are as follows:

  1. Applicants who are in active military service at the time of application.
  2. Applicants who are making a commitment to come to the institution of the ACCM fellowship for more than one year.
  3. Applicants who are enrolled in an anesthesiology residency outside of the USA at the time of the application.
  4. Applicants who reside outside the USA at the time of application or who are not eligible for ABA certification due to non US training.
  5. Applicants whose spouse or partner is applying for a GME-approved post graduate training program in a medical specialty in the same region as the ACCM fellowship.
  6. Internal candidates (i.e., applicants who are currently in the anesthesiology or emergency medicine residency program at the same institution as the ACCM fellowship).

To complete the SOCCA Exceptions to the Match Process:

  1. Program Directors must fill out the Program Exception Agreement Form.
  2. The Applicant will receive a confirmation email with a link to the Applicant Exception Agreement Form.
  3. Once the Applicant has completed the agreement both the Program Director and the Applicant will receive a confirmation email that the process is complete.

The agreement is not finalized until each party has submitted the completed agreement form AND each party has received a confirmatory e-mail.

Completed exceptions will be posted on the website once the exception process opens.

Links for the Match Exception Process for the current recruitment cycle:
  1. Link to the Match Exception form for Program Directors
  2. Link to the listed Match Exceptions on the SOCCA Website
  3. Short video for Program Directors on how to use this year’s form
All agreements must be offered and completed within the following time frame: 4/1/2024 to 5/10/2024. The Match Exception Process for 2024 is now closed.

Please note: Eligible applicants and programs who wish to use the exception agreement pathway are still required to participate in both the exception agreement form through this SOCCA webpage and the SF Match ranking process. Any match irregularities will be referred to the SOCCA Program Directors Advisory Council leadership.

Match Exception Violation Form

The Program Directors Advisory Council and SOCCA Board of Directors are committed to supporting a fair, equitable and successful match process for the candidates applying for the Critical Care Anesthesiology Fellowship programs. We have developed and supported match exception agreements to allow for the coordination of unique situations that can not be readily accommodated throughout the match. If after reviewing the criteria for match exceptions you feel that a program did not follow or uphold the policies of the agreement, please submit a request for inquiry through this form. If you would like to request a follow-up, please include your email address in the form or reach out to the SOCCA office at [email protected].