Committee on Research Update

Volume 33 | Issue 2 Newsletter

The members of the SOCCA Research Committee are moving into summer with great energy and enthusiasm. Our members have continued to advance a variety of initiatives in support of the SOCCA vision “to promote and advocate for current and future critical care anesthesiologists through collaboration and innovative patient care.”

The Subcommittee on Data recently finished a large, descriptive survey to provide an updated snapshot of the current state of anesthesiologist-led critical care. Additionally, subcommittee members have recently evaluated how the clinical responsibilities of critical care anesthesiologists during the COVID-19 pandemic may have influenced professional fulfillment and burnout. The results of both of these surveys will soon be available to the public in forthcoming peer-reviewed scientific publications.

The Subcommittee on Research Collaboration is busy developing an interactive web-based platform and speaker exchange program. The program will facilitate both collaborative research activities and invited speaking opportunities, and we are certain that it will be a win for SOCCA members. Specifically, it will promote increased opportunities for our early career members to connect with other researchers and the general public. We are tremendously excited for its imminent launch, with additional information forthcoming.

Finally, the Subcommittee on Scientific Writing is finalizing the peer-review and editing process of articles for a special SOCCA-led issue in the journal Anesthesiology Clinics. This special issue will be dedicated to key topics in anesthesiology-based critical care. We are incredibly excited for its release later this year. In summary, we are tremendously proud of the work of our committee members, and we look forward to a very productive (and sunny) summer!


Matthew Warner, MD

Chair, Research Committee
Mayo Clinic
Rochester, Minnesota

Shahzad Shaefi, MD, MPH

Vice Chair, Research Committee
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center
Boston, Massachusetts