Volume 33 | Issue 2

President’s Corner
by Michael H. Wall, MD, FCCM
Volume 33 | Issue 2 Newsletter

Colleagues, as you all know, our road trip to Hawaii was canceled due to COVID, again. However, our Education Committee and the IARS rallied and quickly changed gears to a 100% virtual annual meeting. Although we all missed seeing each other in person, the meeting was incredibly successful and well attended. At the SOCCA annual meeting on Friday, we had four very lively educational sessions and aligned sessions with the IARS, AUA, and SOCCA. We then ended the day with our young investigator award presentations. On Saturday, the next day was the IARS | AUA | SOCCA aligned meeting day. We sponsored a review course lecture and a panel on evidence-based emergency airway management, which generated many comments and discussions.

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Committee on Education Update
by Allison Dalton, MD and Kunal Karamchandani, MD, FCCM

On behalf of the SOCCA Education Committee, we would like to thank you all for another successful SOCCA Annual meeting this past spring. While we were disappointed that the increase in COVID cases led to a last-minute transition to a virtual format, the enthusiasm for educational talks, presentations of current research, and networking opportunities could not be fettered.

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Committee on Research Update
by Matthew Warner, MD and Shahzad Shaefi, MD, MPH

The members of the SOCCA Research Committee are moving into summer with great energy and enthusiasm. Our members have continued to advance a variety of initiatives in support of the SOCCA vision “to promote and advocate for current and future critical care anesthesiologists through collaboration and innovative patient care.”

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Committee on Research: Literature Survey

The Research Committee would like to highlight some of the recent literature contributions of its members.

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A Brief Conversation with…Dr. Carlee Clark: Advice for Early Career Intensivists
by Lauren Sutherland, MD

Dr. Carlee Clark is an Associate Professor in the department of Anesthesia and Perioperative Medicine at the Medical University of South Carolina where she is Chief of the Anesthesia Integrated Clinical Center of Excellence and Vice Chair of Clinical Operations. She is currently serving on SOCCA’s Board.

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A Brief Conversation with…Dr. Michael O’Connor: Advice for Early Career Intensivists
by Christy Idichandy, MD

Dr. Michael O’Connor is a Professor in the Department of Anesthesia and Critical Care, Section of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Department of Medicine, at The University of Chicago. He also serves as a Vice-Chair of Academic Affairs and as the Executive Medical Director of Critical Care Services at the University of Chicago Medical Center.

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Enhancing Critical Care Education
by Allison Dalton, MD

Even prior to curricular changes necessitated by the COVID-19 pandemic, adult medical education had been evolving from a primarily in-person lecture-based structure to a more interactive and reflective approach to learning.

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Women in Critical Care
by Shahla Siddiqui, MD

Meeting Updates

Women in Critical Care’s Mission Statement and Vision:

Mission: To provide a community of mentorship, sponsorship and support that promotes the recruitment, development, advancement, and well-being of women in Critical Care Anesthesiology.

Vision: To foster women leaders in Critical Care Anesthesiology.

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Women in Critical Care: May Hua, MD, MS | WICC Co-Chair
by Sarah Alber, MD

How long have you been a SOCCA Member?
Since 2010

What is your favorite part of SOCCA?
I like that it highlights critical care anesthesiologists and creates a community for us to engage in.

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Pro/Con Discussion: Integrated Critical Care Training
by Alan Kovar, MD, MBA, Danielle Desjardins, MD, PhD, and Samantha Go, MD

Pro/Con Discussion of Integrated Critical Care Training with the Program Director, current chief fellow and a practicing graduate of OHSU

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Job Board

Read members-only job posts—including roles with:
University of Louisville School of Medicine, Jewish Hospital in Louisville, Kentucky
UC Irvine in Orange, California
Mercy Medical Group in Sacramento, California
Dartmouth-Hitchcock in Lebanon, New Hampshire
University of Florida Department of Anesthesiology in Gainesville, Florida

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