Women in Critical Care

Volume 33 | Issue 2 Newsletter

Meeting Updates

Women in Critical Care’s Mission Statement and Vision:

Mission: To provide a community of mentorship, sponsorship and support that promotes the recruitment, development, advancement, and well-being of women in Critical Care Anesthesiology.

Vision: To foster women leaders in Critical Care Anesthesiology.

Launch of WICC Website

The WICC website has launched! Here, we will post updates from past and future meetings, resources for women in Critical Care Anesthesiology, as well as group registration, networking, and social opportunities. Visit SOCCA’s Women in Critical Care!

Fireside Chat with Dr. Deborah Cook

On March 17, SOCCA’s Women in Critical Care (WICC) held a virtual Fireside Chat with Dr. Deborah Cook, Academic Chair of Critical Care Medicine at McMaster University. Dr. Cook is a prolific researcher and has trained many rising physicians in the conduct, critical appraisal of, and publication of clinical research. During our discussion, we touched on her journey building a career in research, including obstacles she has faced being a woman in a field that has historically been gendered and led by men. Navigating the assumption of administrative responsibilities traditionally assigned to women while pursuing her passion in conducting research, creating an environment of camaraderie and collaboration, and understanding that both women and men benefit from alternative and flexible scheduling have led Dr. Cook to become a leader in Critical Care Medicine and Academic Research.

Guest Speaker Cortessa Russell, MD

On May 25, Guest Speaker Dr. Cortessa Russell (Medical Director, Anesthesia Perioperative Evaluation and Exam (APEX) Clinic; Education Director, SICU and CTICU; Assistant Professor of Anesthesiology at CUIMC, Division of Critical Care; New York-Presbyterian LEAD Academy Physician; Columbia University Irving Medical Center Department of Anesthesiology) presented on the topic of “Moving from Burnout to Engagement.”

If you were unable to attend, please visit WICC to watch the recording.

Fireside Chat with Dr. Daryl Oakes

SOCCA Women in Critical Care: A Fireside Chat with Guest Speaker Daryl Oakes, MD is scheduled for June 21, 2022, at 4:30 pm Eastern Time.

Registration link: Closed

Daryl Oakes, MD, Clinical Professor of Anesthesiology, Perioperative and Pain Medicine, Program Director, Adult Cardiothoracic Anesthesia Fellowship, Associate Dean, Post Graduate Medical Education, Stanford University School of Medicine


Shahla Siddiqui, MD

Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center
Boston, Massachusetts