Education Committee Update
The SOCCA Education Committee has undergone substantial changes in the past year. We have grown to become 12-person strong and we have developed clear directives, focusing on the SOCCA strategic goals. Coordinating a successful annual meeting remains the prime focus of the committee and planning for the next annual meeting (to be held in San Francisco) has already begun under the direction of Peter Von Homeyer MD, FASE, the annual program chair. Stay tuned for additional information as we get closer to May 15, 2020!
We are also excited to launch a new educational program for SOCCA members and fellows in 2020. This program will be a day-long board review course on the Thursday prior to the annual SOCCA meeting. The goals of the board review course will be to provide an intensive, focused education experience to our fellows as they begin to focus on their board certification examination and, also, to showcase the depth and breadth of our SOCCA members with a focus on developing junior faculty and promoting inclusion and diversity within our specialty. We hope this experience continues to spark enthusiasm for years to come.
Finally, the education committee will also focus on representing SOCCA in various collaborative efforts with other regional, national and international anesthesiology and critical care societies. Importantly, because Maintenance of Certification is an important responsibility for critical care anesthesiologists, the SOCCA Education Committee will also work to provide material relevant to us in MOCA.
We look forward to serving you and the critical care community throughout this year!