The Society of Critical Care Anesthesiologists

Early Career Working Group: Call for Involvement!
by Alisha Bhatia, MD

The SOCCA Early Career Working Group held its first meeting on January 28, and it was a success! We discussed how we want to organize the group and what we hope to accomplish together. Our top priority will be to keep fellows and early career members engaged in the society. We are currently planning to organize several webinars, including advice for residents applying for fellowship, advice for fellows applying for jobs, and early-career guidance for fellows reaching the end of fellowship before starting their jobs.

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SOCCA Recommendations for Parental Leave and Lactation
by Brigid Flynn, MD

We are pleased to announce the newly published SOCCA Parental Leave and Lactation Recommendations. This initiative was undertaken in hopes of providing support for intensivists who are new parents by birth or adoption and/or breast feeding. The document exemplifies the role SOCCA takes to support all intensivists in their personal endeavors, to enhance mental and physical health and well-being, and to continue championing women in critical care.

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Society of Anesthesia and Sleep Medicine (SASM), Society for Ambulatory Anesthesia (SAMBA), and Society of Critical Care Anesthesiologists (SOCCA) Collaborative Guidelines for Postoperative Management of Patients with Obstructive Sleep Apnea
by Ashish Khanna, MD, FCCP, FCCM, FASA, Shahla Siddiqui, MBBS, MSc, FCCM, Piyush Mathur, MD, FCCM, Adam Evans, MD, MBA, FCCM, Veena Satyapriya, MD, and Elizabeth Cotter, MD

Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is the most common form of sleep-related breathing disorder encountered in the perioperative setting. It is defined by recurrent upper airway collapse, potentially leading to decreased oxygen levels during sleep and an increased risk of long-term cardiovascular illness. While OSA is more prevalent in surgical candidates than in the general population, between 60-90% of patients remain undiagnosed.

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Family Visitation at End of Life in the Intensive Care Unit During a Pandemic
by Shahla Siddiqui, MBBS, MSc (Medical ethics), FCCM

COVID-19 has drastically changed how end-of-life care is practiced in the intensive care unit (ICU). Safety concerns for society limits family visitation but is contrary to patient and family-oriented care. This article provides an ethical analysis of the pros and cons of having family members present at the death of a critically ill patient with COVID-19 and provides a framework that can be used in future surges.

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Watching a Parent Die on Facetime
by Shahla Siddiqui, MBBS, MSc (Medical ethics), FCCM

She was breathing laboriously and had all but lost consciousness. In the subcutaneous tissues of her right arm, a syringe pump was delivering morphine and midazolam to help her breathe more easily and prevent the seizures she had been having earlier. Her right cheek still twitched periodically. She was in her daughter’s home surrounded by her grandsons and daughter. Just yesterday she had opened her eyes and smiled at her loved ones, tracking their movements.

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Postoperative Pulmonary Complications: Is it Time for Intensivists to Take the Reins?
by Zyad J. Carr, MD, FASA and Andrea Farela, MD

Postoperative pulmonary complications have been recognized and appreciated by physicians since symptoms of pneumonia were first described by Hippocrates, the father of western medicine, in 460 BC. Despite our extensive familiarity with this pervasive ailment, pneumonia remains the third-most common postoperative complication with an overall incidence of 1.3-1.8%.

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Billing for Advance Care Planning: A Missed Opportunity?
by David Jury, MD, MS, Madiha Syed, MD, and Silvia Perez- Protto, MD, MS, FCCM

Advance care planning (ACP) is a process that supports adults at any age or stage of health in understanding and sharing their values, goals, and preferences regarding future medical care. The goal of ACP is to help ensure that people receive medical care that is consistent with their preferences during serious and chronic illness. At the Cleveland Clinic, we operationally defined ACP as having two elements: documentation of the surrogate decision-maker in the electronic medical record (EMR) for all adult patients and goals of care discussion documentation for seriously ill patients. Ideally, this conversation between a seriously ill patient with a chronic condition and their primary provider would happen long before the moment of a critical illness crisis.

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Job Board

Read members-only job posts—including roles with Emory University School of Medicine, Ochsner Health System, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, and University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health—at SOCCA’s Job Board.

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SOCCA Interchange Needs You!

Interchange seeks to deliver timely, relevant, and high-quality content to SOCCA members. Contributions from members are not only welcome but essential to ensure that Interchange meets these goals. If you are interested in authoring content concerning clinical challenges, emerging research findings, member accomplishments, or anything of general interest to the membership, please reach out to

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SOCCA President’s Message
by Miguel Cobas, MD, FCCM

The holiday spirit is here! There are ornaments and festive music everywhere, Thanksgiving is still fresh in our memories, and the winter chill heralds the arrival of major religious holidays as well as the New Year. Yet, this year obviously feels different. For almost 12 months we have endured a pandemic that has transformed every aspect of our lives and will leave profound marks in the way we conduct ourselves for the foreseeable future.

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